标签: Codeforces 共 52 篇文章 All 51Nod hash DP 网络流 BZOJ 后缀数组 矩阵 数位DP 双联通分量 水题 矩阵树定理 复杂度分析 树形DP 单调栈 贪心 并查集 二分图 线段树 最小生成树 链表 树状数组 妙题 A* 启发式合并 LCA 数学 树链剖分 最短路 对偶图 强连通分量 扫描线 决策单调性 整体二分 单调队列 虚树 差分约束系统 博弈论 主席树 可并堆 期望DP LCT 状压DP 线性筛 乱搞 分数规划 差分 FFT 点分治 kruskal重构树 随机 拓扑排序 堆 Manacher 三分 递推 最大权闭合子图 线段树分治 启发式分裂 BFS 结论题 莫队 离线 two-pointers 概率DP 压位 KMP Codeforces 交互题 构造 dsu on tree LIS 分治 WQS二分 分块 Trie 容斥 计数题 HDU AC自动机 凸包 模拟 计蒜客 LOJ 数据库 POJ Python NumPy Matplotlib SciPy Sympy SymPy UOJ hihoCoder git 洛谷 数模 2018-11-06 Codeforces 700B Connecting Universities 2018-11-06 Codeforces 999F Cards and Joy 2018-11-03 Codeforces 870E Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles 2018-10-19 【分块+并查集】Codeforces 896E Welcome home, Chtholly 2018-10-17 Codeforces 633H Fibonacci-ish II 2018-10-10 【线段树+矩阵乘法】Codeforces 719E Sasha and Array 2018-10-08 Codeforces 453A Little Pony and Expected Maximum 2018-10-01 【扫描线+网络流+线段树优化建图】Codeforces 793G Oleg and chess 2018-09-27 Codeforces 490F Treeland Tour 2018-09-27 Codeforces 558E A Simple Task 2018-09-26 【小清新线段树】Codeforces 438D The Child and Sequence 2018-09-26 Codeforces 717H Pokermon League challenge 2018-09-24 【线段树+DP】Codeforces 573D Bear and Cavalry 2018-09-23 Codeforces 794F Leha and security system 2018-09-23 【线段树+并查集】Codeforces 811E Vladik and Entertaining Flags 2018-09-22 Codeforces 723F st-Spanning Tree 2018-09-21 【二分图染色】Codeforces 547D Mike and Fish 2018-09-21 【分治+并查集】Codeforces 603E Pastoral Oddities 2018-09-19 【单调栈+线段树】Codeforces 407E k-d-sequence 2018-09-17 Codeforces 810D Glad to see you! 2018-09-17 Codeforces 1041F Ray in the tube 2018-09-16 Codeforces 1041E Tree Reconstruction 2018-09-16 Codeforces 1041D Glider 2018-09-16 Codeforces Round#509 (Div. 2) 2018-09-15 Codeforces 799F Beautiful fountains rows 2018-08-28 Codeforces Round#493 (Div. 2) 2018-08-28 Codeforces 998D Roman Digits 2018-08-28 【容斥计数】Codeforces 998E Sky Full of Stars 2018-08-26 【贪心+并查集缩点】Codeforces 1023F Mobile Phone Network 2018-08-24 Codeforces Round#495 (Div. 2) 2018-08-24 【SET求直径】Codeforces 1004E Sonya and Ice Cream 2018-08-24 Codeforces 1004D Sonya and Matrix 2018-08-23 Codeforces Round#499 (Div. 2) 2018-08-23 Codeforces 1011F Mars rover 2018-08-23 Codeforces 1011E Border 2018-08-23 Codeforces 1011D Rocket 2018-08-21 Codeforces Round#500 (Div. 2) [based on EJOI] 2018-08-21 Codeforces 1013E Hills 2018-08-21 Codeforces 1013D Chemical table 2018-08-20 Codeforces 1025D Recovering BST 2018-08-02 【dsu on tree+hash】Codeforces 246E Blood Cousins Return 2018-08-01 Codeforces 570D Tree Requests 2018-08-01 Codeforces 600E Lomsat gelral 2018-05-28 【Trie+瞎搞】Codeforces 965E Short Code 2018-05-20 Codeforces 983A Finite or not? 2018-05-19 Codeforces 958E3 Guard Duty (hard) 2018-05-16 【DP/WQS二分】Codeforces 958E2 Guard Duty (medium) 2018-05-13 Codeforces 958E1 Guard Duty (easy) 2018-05-13 【DP】Codeforces 958C2 Encryption (medium) 2018-05-12 【贪心】Codeforces 958B2 Maximum Control (medium) 2018-04-19 【hash】Codeforces 958A2 Death Stars (medium) 2018-03-30 【双层WQS二分】Codeforces 739E Gosha is hunting